You're a Christian because a Jew who lived in Judea, now the West bank, did some stuff 2000 years ago in the ancestral homeland of his people. Europeans who considered the Jews for almost 2000 years as "others" and not belonging to Europe and telling Jews- after blood libel, forced baptisms,pogroms and finally the holocaust- that Jews should go back to where they came from, can't then complain when they do. As bad as it often was in the Muslim world for Jews over 1600 years(and sometimes it wasn't that bad at all) with Jews as second class citizens, it was infinitely better than what the Jews faced in Europe with crusaders stopping to murder Jews on the way, Jews blamed for the black plague, Jews expelled from half a dozen European countries and so on.
So, in short, stay in your lane. Religion has far less to do with this than self-determination of people to live in their homeland or where they have been for generations. On both sides. Nationalism, that European invention, is the core issue here. Being a Jew is not a religion, we are a people. But Judaism, a religion many Jews follow, and Islam have far more in common than either has with Christianity.
It was Byzantine Christians who drove Jews out of Jerusalem, finishing off the job of the Romans, and it was Caliph Omar of the Islamic conquest who welcomed them back.