Yes Israel is an oddity in that it is the best and most successful example of indigenous self-determination in the world. The Native Americans, Australian Aborigines and other First Nations people of the world could only dream of the same. Likewise the Kurds, the largest group of people without a country to call their own.
Yes the British have their hands over all of it. In the case of Israel they made promises to both sides, carved off 70% of the land to make Jordan just so an Arabian chap who lost his lands to the Saudis could have a kingdom of people to rule over. But you have to measure the re-creation of Israel against all those other places that popped up at the same time like Iraq, Syria, Lebanon etc with the British and French playing mapmakers.
Likewise the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan which saw more people displaced and more people dead than the whole Israel/Palestine conflict over 70 years. Again, all thanks to the British.