When people say something and do something- believe them. Thank you for the whitewash of 1400 years of Jews as second class citizens who faced regular pogroms in most Islamic lands. YES , Europe was worse and yes there were times of tolerance that could easily change with the next Muslim ruler.
You laud the example of the Ottomans. Still, Jews were not able to defend themselves, had half the say of a Muslim in court, and could not build a house higher than a Muslim. Could not own or ride horses, just donkeys. Had to pay crushing taxes.
Jews were forbidden to wear shoes in the Muslim parts of a city. When the king of Morrocco changed that law, Jews begged to have it changed back because so many were attacked and murdered.
Hebron, Safed and Tiberious in Palestine had so many pogroms it was almost a sport- which is how my family fled Palestine in 1517.
Jewish landowners were regularly attacked in the 1800s 50 years before Zionism.
As more Jews arrived in the 1920s, full on riots ensued and more deaths of Jews.
The mantra since 1948 is to drive the Jews into the sea.
Cheers to Muslim countries like Azerbaijan that still have Jewish towns and no history of antisemitism. Or the limited antisemitism throughout history in Central Asia.
But the life under Arab and Turkish rule was certainly not rainbow and unicorns, it just passed the very low bar compared to the horrors of Europe.
Sorry if us Jews don't take your word for it, that everything would be fine and dandy if Israel lost.