When I say Russia, I mean Putin n co, not the narod/citizens. Many citizens are indeed passionate about Donbas. But Donbas is right next to Russia, it’s basically world war 1 trench warfare and artillery exchanges. The amount of firepower and manpower Ukraine would have to use for a strong reversal there exceeds her current capabilities. It is likely to go on for years and years in the east unless something else changes. That’s why taking Kherson is so important to threaten Crimea. If Crimea starts looking like a target, then Russia would be pulling troops out of Donbas and everywhere to reinforce it. Which could lead to Ukrainian gains in Donbas. It is also likely to bring Russia to the negotiating table. And I promise you, even the biggest Russian supporter of Donbas separatists would forget them in an instant to make sure Crimea is safe.