What occupation was Gaza under in 2005 when Israel left? No blockade, freedom of movement with hundreds of thousands travelling into Israel every day for work, study or medical treatment? Is it entirely possible that a blockade started in 2008 when HAMAS took over in a violent coup, throwing PA workers off roof tops, then launched 10,000 rockets at Israel in 2 years?
And let us say there is 2 states tomorrow, like what was offered in 1937, 1947, 2000 and 2006...even Israel dismantling or abandoning so called settlements in the West Bank, known as Judea where our ancestors are buried. Let's suppose that all that happens. We would have to ignore the fact HAMAS controls Gaza so it couldn't happen till HAMAS has been removed anyway. But sidestepping that..
From HAMAS perspective and in their own charter, the occupation ends not with two states but driving all the Jews into the sea. River to the sea Palestine will be free and all that jazz. Not Israelis, Jews. Not even subjugation us, just killing us all. The mistake you make as so many do is assuming the behead babies and rape the dead crowd are rational actors seeking freedom.
“Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them.” HAMAS charter.
Fun fact: they hated us a long time before Israel was even re-created. There is a reason the majority of Jews in Israel come from Arab and Muslim lands. Don't get me wrong, it was worse for us in Europe with a greater amount of pogroms and the holocaust of course, but we have a 1400 year history as second class citizens at the whim of other rulers in the Middle East. My own family lasted in Palestine till 1517 when a pogrom in Hebron made my family to Beirut then later Europe.
HAMAS rejects 2 states and the Oslo accords. They just want us dead. Not happen in a vacuum indeed.