Well for us Jews...we have had a continuous presence in the land, for those forced out(the majority) we kept the customs, language and even our calendar based on the land. Over half the rules of our religion can only be performed in the land. For the last 2000 years, many Jews travelled to the land to ensure relatives were buried in it. We pray in the morning "next year in Jerusalem" . The land is a central part of our land and we did not move from it willingly and had many attempts to return, stopped by force of arms. Other indigenous people understand their land connections, even if most westerners have lost this. We are an ancient people, and most other ancient people have been assimilated or annihilated so we are fairly unusual in that sense. Other people from Kurds, Georgians and Armenians etc also have the same connection to land and should have the same right to self-determination. And that is just in the nearby area. Let alone, the indigenous people of the Americas and Australia/New Zealand.