There is no one greater at dismissing and whitewashing history, than yourself.
I mean, you talk about Jews in Arabia during the time of Muhommed- yet completely ignore Jews in Arabia under his successor- when 100% of Jews were expelled from Arabia, and have been absent from there for 1400 years since.
The golden age of Jews in Spain was under Islamic rule- but it was destroyed by Muslim persecution of Jews, when two more radical sects of Islam took over- culminating in Maimonides having to flee to Morocco and then flee to Palestine and finally end up in Egypt.
It was not universally bad under Islamic rule- but there was plenty of bad which included pogroms, Jews not being able to defend themselves, have less weight in the courts, not able to own a horse, having to ride a donkey side saddle, subject to random and punitive taxation, not able to have a house higher than a Muslim, not able to wear shoes in certain parts of the city and so on. It was still better than under Christian Europe. But that doesn't make it rainbows and unicorns either. My own family left relatively late, chased out of Hebron in 1517 due to a pogrom, before moving to Beirut and finally Europe.