The war with Hezbollah that good ol John Wight lauds about is simply, trying to wage war in an urban environment against a well trained enemy, while trying to minimise civilian casualties.
Thanks to Hezbollah, the IDF learnt a powerful lesson and that limited ground incursions in Gaza or dropping bombs on empty buildings after telling civilian and terrorist alike to leave- was not an effective tactic.
Now you have most of Gaza flattened and occupied. And a lot of that isn't even about Gaza, but also a message to Hezbollah to not try the same. Because Hezbollah IS a stronger opponent. But the IDF has these things called aircraft. The next war with Lebanon would make it a parking lot. Hamas doesn't "fight fair" with its use of tunnels, and the IDF has learnt the lesson to not fight fair and use its air superiority. Drones and rockets can do a lot of damage to Israel if Hezbollah launched its full arsenal. Don't get me wrong. But Beirut would cease to exist. The only real protection Lebanon and Gaza have is their proximity. Iran and Yemen can be nuked if there was the political will, but Israel's neighbours can't. But the IDF air force and artillery can bring to bear a lot of ordinance. Long before they need to send in ground troops.