The DNA does not show interbreeding. Your own article says there is no evidence of their DNA in modern people. They SPECULATE that they interbred but there is no evidence of that. They have found a few examples of Phillistine DNA and it had no evidence of any other people in it, and there is none of their DNA detected in modern Jews or Palestinians.
Nowhere in the world does being indigenous rely on DNA- that's just colonial and racist mindset. Like blood quantum.
Palestinians, as I said, are not a monolith either. Not every Palestinian is descended from someone in the land for thousands of years, far from it. All the mandate reports talk of Arabs from elsewhere moving to the region during that time, hence why so many Palestinians have family names from Egypt, Iraq and even Yemen. Plus plenty of others from the Balkans(Europe)the Caucaus and elsewhere. People who never had any ancestors in the land ever, yet they are part of the Palestinian people today. I don't make any argument that these people can't live there, what I say is Jews can absolutely live there too.
A European Jew whose family lived in the Levant for thousands of years until they were chased out in a pogrom in 1517 in Hebron, who moved onto Beirut and finally Prussia.