That's a very interesting angle and analysis. Just read just now statements about bringing Ukraine up to NATO standard which also seems to fit that thesis. I do have some caveats though.
The first is, of course, is that that is political will which doesn't always align with the will of the people. There is a rising trend of people, and some media and politicians pandering to them, who want Ukraine to quit and go away. Heck I was absolutely shocked to walk down the street here in Brisbane Australia to see a guy proudly wearing a t-shirt with the Russian flag and a giant Z on it. Still, support for Ukraine still remains strong for now but if it wanes too much, politicians can quickly change their minds too.
The second part is that, while new toys are nice especially of the long range variety, the sheer amount of ordinance being expelled is not even close to sustainable. Some of the stuff, like stingers, haven't been made in a decade. Stuff like Javelins are only made in batches of a few thousand per year. The longer the war, the more the pressing need for the West to get serious about manufacturing ordinance. The other side of this is the Russian side is even more limited. But if the conflict is going to be prolonged something has to happen there.