So much falsehood in your statement. Jews were living in Jersualem the whole time until they sided with the Persians to drive out the Byzantines. A brief time later, the Byzantines returned and ,yes, drove out Jews from Jersualem and the Caliph allowed them back when they took the city in imperial conquest. From the alliance between Jews and Persians, to Byzantine retake of the city, to Islamic rule, all happened within a period of 30 years. So your story is nonsense.
As for Waqf, it isn't just charity, all fundamental Islamic groups view Palestine as a whole as waqf until the day of judgment. Land put in trust for Muslims. Therefore, even if land was sold to Jews, they would not recognise it. Learn some history yourself before lecturing others.
As for Jews living fine ever since- the people of Hebron and Safed who faced numerous pogroms- including my own family- would like a word. Nothing was fine between Jews and Arabs prior to Zionism. At best we were second class citizens who had to be unarmed, pay brutal taxes, not own horses, and had half the standing of a Muslim in court. Your statements are so full of whitewash and ignorance that it has to be intentional.