Shukren Jazeelan. I don't agree on EVERY point you made, and you have a bit of a blindspot when it comes to Muslim persecution of Jews and Jews being second class citizens under many(but not all) Islamic rulers. My own family had to flee a pogrom and there were several in Hebron, Safed and Tiberious over the centuries, for example. And the golden age in Spain under Islamic rule was replaced by another group of Muslims that forced converted and killed Jews- just like Catholic Spain did also. Indeed Maimonides had to flee Spain, then Morrocco before moving to Palestine, finally settling in Egypt as the physician for the Sultan there.
But your article is 90-95% spot on and closer to the truth than what most Jews even know and I commend you for it. I also don't favour US aid to Israel which is just a subsidy to US arms manufacturers anyway and requires Israel supply its tech and IP. But almost 4 billion in aid has to be viewed with the over 3 billion in military aid, with no such preconditions, that is given combined to Israel's neighbours Egypt and Jordan. If one goes, they all need to go.