One can look at how the Jewish Berber Queen was defeated by the Muslims in North Africa. One can look at Maimonides fleeing for his life from both Spain and Morocco- and the rise of crypto Jews.
Conflating one ruler, Umar, with all Islamic history is quite the whitewash. Thousands of Christians were killed at the hands of Muslims, so too were Jews, Hindus and a variety of others. There were benevolent and kind Muslim rulers and there were tyrants. Genghis Khan probably killed and raped more people than an all the wars in history, on a comparative basis. What was his religion again?
That isn't giving anyone else a free pass. The Christians were worse to us Jews historically. But that just shows how bad it was.
While there were pockets or tolerance, Jews were mostly treated like dirt in the Islamic world. Which is why almost no Jews live there now.
But Caliph Umar, who allowed a synagogue to be built on Temple Mount that stood for 300 years, and who allowed 20 Jewish Temple workers to maintain Al-Aqsa- would be thrown off a building today by the like of Hamas.
Jews and Muslims need not be enemies, they are natural friends. We have more in common than we have with Christians. But that doesn't change the history between us.