No, much older Neanderthal DNA is still found as 4% of Europeans. We know Vikings who raided and settled in similar fashion, albeit much later, DNA is still found in the British isles. We know that Phillista came under the control of Egypt and were defeated by the Assyrian empire and never heard of again. We also know Phillistines were European and not indigenous to the area- so it is a strange flex to promote then in your argument.
As for Palestinians, some are indeed indigenous who deny their Jewish and Samaritan heritage. There are also Palestinains who are from the Balkans, who moved there during the Ottoman empire. There are also Armenian, Circassian mix as well as various other groups from Yemen to Egypt too. A significant portion of Palestinians have the surname Al-Masri from Egypt, Al Baghdadi from Iraq is another. I have a friend who is Palestinian, descended from an Italian crusader knight. But, unlike you, I don't go into some horrible blood quantum about 'real Palestinians' . I don't reject the right for Palestinians to live there and to have their own state if that is what they want. What I do reject, is assertions that Jews don't have a right to be there too. Or some blood purity test, which is a colonial mindset done in the Americas and Australia, or worse Germany. This is not how indigenous tribal affiliation works anywhere in the world. And should not be applied towards either Palestinians or Jews.