Neturei Karta is a cult outside mainstream Judaism, but even they believe in living in that land. They just are waiting for a Messiah to bring in a theocratic state.
Phillistines are a Greek Sea People that conquered the area around Gaza and are in no relation to modern Palestinians.
Yes it is amazing that a whole bunch of surnames you mentioned were not in Palestine...considering the fact Jews were only forced to have such surnames in the mid 1800s in Europe. And we still do not use these surnames when we pray for our sick but use Bat and Ben much like Arabs use Bin.
Wow canaanites used a proto-arabic language who knew? Hebrew also comes from that. But we are not Arabs.
Abraham was from Ur in Iraq but was commanded to go to the Promised land where his family was already living- so what does that tell you about his origins?
Yes the Torah talks about Joshua conquering Canaan, and that is a religious belief. Most scientists reject that view in favour of the fact that Jews were just a Canaanite tribe that grew to dominance.
I should point out that if you are going to talk about last names - Palestinians with last names Al-Kurd, Al-Yemeni, Al-Baghdadi and Al-Masri(Egyptian) which are extremely common, are hardly great examples of indigenous canaanites.