My god man. Not a bott but a Russian Bott. I lived in Russia during this time, in the region adjacent to Ukraine. I have friends in Lugansk and Donestk. There was NO ethnic cleansing of Russian speaking Ukrainians or even an ethnic Russian minority. Zero. Zilch. Kyiv is majority Russian speaking, Zelonsky's first language is Russian even. There was one proposal- the same proposal that has already been enacted in Georgia, Uzbekistan, Latvia. Estonia, and Lithuania to minimise the Russian language and to embrace the historic language before Stalin orchestrated mass ethnic cleansing of Crimean Tatars(which my daughter is one) and encourage Russification by immigration to these regions.
It was the GRU, Russian military intelligence, that led campaigns against the Ukrainian army, Russian troops(I knew some) working as irregulars who began the fighting-not even locals. Outside Rostov there was a massive army camp of people heading into Ukraine in 2014, saw it with my own eyes. They even had to dig a big ditch to stop the Chechens they sent in smuggling guns back to Chechnya.
The whole thing was orchestrated from the Kremlin to destabilise Ukraine, the same stunt they pulled in Georgia in 2008 and finally acknowledged by the international criminal court. They did the same in Georgia in 1992, and Moldova also. They have also tried to stir that same pot in the baltics and Uzbekistan with less success. It is absolutely embarassing and shows a clear lack of objectivity, that anyone can spout such nonsense about 2014 that not even the Kremlin really believes.