Lived overseas for half my life and this article amuses me.
There are absolutely sex tourists and even seeking minors for sex
There are men who have been sold that a foreign woman would be traditional AND submissive
There are men that know that a lot of foreign women are far from submissive and also come with responsibilities to support the rest of their family.
There are westerners who go overseas for a variety of reasons and fall in love with a local.
There are plenty of women in America who DON'T have agency. Domestic violence statistics in the West are horrific.
Travel is cheap, you don't have to be that privileged in America to fly to another country. All ages and classes of men have the ability to do that or head over to Mexico etc.
As for me, happily married to a woman I met in the developing world who has a higher level of education than me, speaks more languages than I do(and I'm a linguist).
The article wants to paint broad strokes about all men married to foreigners. So call me a passport bro, no skin off my nose. I mean a foreign student may come to America and fall in love with a local man. Does the inverse apply? Either way, I know the auhor would be all judgy watching them walk down the street together. The racism is piled on pretty thick.
The fact you talk about 300 million people and why can't they find a trad wife in America means you are just one step away from being a fascist or white supremist. They would certainly agree with you keeping those immigrants and less than white skin out.