It was a powerful piece you just wrote but you know what? You could have written the exact same piece talking from the other side about something familiar about Israel and they endure suicide bombings, stabbings, more UN resolutions than the rest of the world combined while regimes like Russia, Syria and other bastions of human rights wave their fingers. That regardless of Israel's actions, hate crimes against Jews are the highest against anyone in the US per capita, beating out Blacks, LGBT, Muslims and so on. That killing Jews is almost a sport in France and most Middle Eastern countries are judenrein. Where were you when Jews lived under crushing taxation, forbidden to defend themselves not allowed to own a house taller than a Muslim, not allowed to own a horse, and in this very Palestine faced pogroms every few years over a 1000 year period? Where was your eloquence then? You want to discuss people under the thumb of others, us Jews have the receipts. And like your Black Lives Matter and other movements, us Jews have stood up so we will not be under the whim of other rules and decide our own fate- and now have the capability to defend ourselves. By all means, bring in the Americans or any other force of any creed or colour, to deal with HAMAS for us. If you can guarantee our security we would cheer it on. The Jews and Arabs of Israel just want to live normal lives, we have tried disengagement and got 10000 rockets. We tried giving up land for peace and terror increased. Use that obviously brilliant mind of yours to come up with any solution, a 2 state solution that wouldn't have HAMAS winning elections and taking over all Palestine and the IDF having to do to Ramallah what it did to Gaza.