It is curious you focus on the US, though I am hardly a fan of that country, when talking about historical contribution to events in Palestine/Israel.
Certainly if you are talking about today that would make sense but not with the re-creation of Israel.
It was the Soviets who armed Jews at independence, through Czechoslovakia. It was the French who supplied Israel for the next decade. It was only after the French stepped away that the US stepped in.
And the most obvious country to take issue with would be the British. After all, Balfour was penned by them, though the Jewish homeland in Palestine was to be a place with equal rights for all. Repeated at San Remo.
Then you have the Arab states with newly formed countries at San Remo, as the Brits and French carved out various countries. And not a word opposing a Jewish homeland by the Arabs. Indeed between the two conferences, Egypt thought it would be a fabulous idea and stimulate the region. The Arab Mayor of Jerusalem also agreed.
But the Brits were playing both sides and released Al-Husseini from jail who was a different clan to the Mayor of Jerusalem and then restricted Jewish migration. The Brits promised the Jewish Homeland then did everything in their power to prevent it.
And of course, after giving Mecca to the Saudis, carved off 70% of the mandate and gave it to the Hashemites.
As for indigenous, the way you word it suggests you don’t believe, despite all the genetics and science, that Jews are also indigenous to the area. I say as well as it is not an either/or thing. My family lived there for thousands of years and only left Hebron in 1517 after Jews there were slaughtered by Turkish soldiers. We fled first to now Lebanon and later made our way into Europe, finding a place in East Prussia.
Jews have always been there and began to move back enmass long before Zionism was even thought of.
I will never deny the calamity Palestinians faced and hardships and struggles they continue to face, nor their right to be there in that land. But denying Jews the right to be there with their own autonomy, is not a way towards resolving any of this.