It doesn't matter if the land is Holy or not, it is where Jews come from. Zionism is a return to Zion, Mt Zion in Jerusalem. You can't get a more Jewish concept. Where did Abraham go to? Where did Moses go to? Where did the captives in Babylon return to? I hope you don't wish Jews happy Hannukah, this is the Maccabees liberating Judea(now the West Bank) from the Greeks and rededicating the Temple. We can look at the Jewish revolt in 70 CE and 134 CE, Jews trying to have self determination in the own land. An attempt in the 400s and siding with the Persians to free themselves of the Byzantines in Jersualem in the 600s. Despite regular pogroms and being second class citizens, Jews remained in in Palestine and Jews travelled from all over the world to go to centres of religious learning there and even to be buried there. The very central tenet of Judaism is to live in that land. The so called anti-zionist Jews just want the same but led by a Messiah and to be a theocracy not a secular state.