In Russia they talk about the "Russian soul" and their writers have recognized that Russians like to suffer. It is seen as a virtue. Plus Russians are incredibly fatalistic, in mentality Russians are more Asian than European, even their language is designed around this way. Subjective not objective, everything is Grey, not the black and white of greco-roman logic that our cultures are based on.
This gives some advantages...a Russian can hold two contradictory ideas in their head at the same time without any conflict. It would make a Brit or an American head explode. This is good in high level physics, subatomic chemistry and advanced computer sciences. But truth is also relative, everyone's truth is different.
What is remarkable is not their apathy towards politics and their general powerlessness against authority- why millions aren't marching on the streets right now to stop the war. No, the remarkable thing is that they had several revolutions in their history at all. They are true exceptions, but even then it led to centralized authority.
Most who believe in the radical concept that they have some right to happiness- have left Russia or have tried to.
Those who are content in their unhappiness and just shrug their shoulders at war and sanctions etc- they will continue on as if nothing has changed. It is a Hindu caste level of fatalism.