I'm not a fan of Ben Shapiro but you essentially just agreed with him. Although religious Jews (and Christians and Muslims) believe in the exodus story, science has yet to prove it. The most likely scientific explanation at present is that Jews were an indigenous Canaanite tribe who grew to dominance and absorbed the other tribes.
In any case, the definition of indigenous- and therefore a Native title claim- applies. Jews don't need to be first, they need to be there for a very long time (1000 years +) and have no competing prior claims existing now, to qualify as indigenous. Jews and Samaritans, related to the Jews, have zero competition for native title to make it their land.
Palestinians can claim also the same only by accepting and acknowledging their Jewish heritage(even if they remain Christian or Muslim). They don't have a competing claim, they have the same claim.
The Torah talks about being kind to strangers in the land, early Zionists and the Balfour Declaration and San Remo- all had the idea that everyone would have equal rights in the reformed Jewish state. Jews by that time owned the same amount of land as Palestinians did (about 8% each) with the rest bring owned by absentee Arab and Turkish land owners or state land. It was the endless violence and opposition against more Jews arriving, starting especially in the 1920s that had many Jews believe the land could not be shared. The British agreed in the Peel Commision as did later the UN, both arguing for partition. But the original Zionist vision was one state foe all, and there was no opposition to this at San Remo by the Arab delegation and even Egypt embraced it, feeling the arrival of Jews would stimulate such a forgotten backwater of the old Ottoman empire. But Pan-arab nationalism kicked in, the British released Al-Husseini from prison in a deliberate attempt to thwart the rise of the pro-Zionist Arab Mayor of Jerusalem, and the violence led to Jewish right wing militas forming- which made the place a powder keg by 1947 and 1948.
Jews and Arabs, Palestinians or otherwise, need not be enemies and many Palestinians are citizens of Israel making wonderful contributions in all stratas of society.
But it is a myth they got on just fine before Zionism. There were attacks on Jews and irregular pogroms all the way through Islamic rule- including my own family fleeing Hebron during a pogrom in 1517. But pogroms occurred there and Safed on many occasions up to the 1830s- before Zionism. And all the while under Islamic rule, we were second class citizens.
Peace will start when Palestinians acknowledge Jews have a right to be there too, the whole nature of the conflict is premised on the fact that Jews can't live there or certainly can't as equals or with self determination.