I wouldn't say a cut off Crimea is impossible to supply by boat, Russia did that for years before the bridge was built. Sure it isn't ideal though. I had a student who was against the war and yet thought it was a size decision, since he visited Crimea every year for decades, to buy a place there, a dacha. Sure going to be interesting when Ukraine takes the place as they have stated all those purchases will be null and void. Couldn't believe my friend was such an idiot. But it shows the total blindspot they have- I guess oppose the war in Ukraine but still think Crimea belongs to Russia. I hope Ukraine schools them all well.
As someone whose ancestors are from Konigsberg, ethnically cleansed of Germans and replaced with Russians, i dont have a lot of sympathy for Russians who moved to Crimea. Even more so because my daughter is Crimean Tatar raised in Uzbekistan. Another example of Russian wthnic cleansing. ,