I like much of your writing about Ukraine but your posts on America are...well different. Writing posts about how you know a secret formula to stop Biden winning the next election etc...look, you admit to being a high earner of Medium and your income has been relatively consistent so how do you conclude that Medium doesn't want you? Now, if your income crashed to 10% of what you are making now then you might have a point. But it all seems a bit like faux outrage.
As for target audience, most writers write at a grade 4-5 level from Hemingway to Stephen King because the average person isn't a good reader or highly educated. However, if Medium wants to go after a more suburban and educated market, who tends to read more frequently, that is fairly understandable.
Obama was a president of the US, of course his posts are going to trend. Just like Trump had 40 million Twitter followers back in the day.
Personally, I want stimulating articles and stimulating debates, not trolls and people who can't understand nuance. So that would always bend towards the intelligentsia. Much of the other demographic you speak of and possibly align with, aren't that big on reading blogs on sites like Medium anyway. And for the right wing, you have to compete with the God botherers, infowar conspiracy theorists and so on. The market for robust intellectual discussion is there on that side it is just a smaller demographic.