I have seen his take on Ukraine, I have seen Jordan Petsrsons' too. Both talk well and persuasively. Jordan was entirely wrong on his predictions, Zeihan takes liberties with conclusions. Zeihan sprinkles his speech with facts, some very good and overlooked facts, but conflates the conflict with Russia's real demographic challenges and links the two in a bizarre way. As someone who has spent a third of his life in those countries and speaks thr language at home, though a westerner, I can pick out the nuances he misses. I'm not a fan of either's analysis.
For instance, the Americans were not even close to finished upgrading and it is well management that is the real issue. To drill a well is rather easy, to keep it constantly open is far more difficult. Even in America with shale producers if the price falls they have to keep pumping because once you stop you basically have to start all over again from the beginning. So there was no time frame for the US to be leaving until the war started.