I disagree with you on Ukraine, I disagree with you on Israel but I would never think with your supposed socialist bonafides, that we would disagree on this one.
I fear no migrant. I don't accept any clash of civilizations argument. Countries are richer and more vibrant for their migrant citizenry. There are a heck of a lot of things that can be better when it comes to migration and governments rarely have the foresight.
One example was a crime wave(mostly among their own) of Sudanese in Melbourne. A lot of these refugees were ex child soldiers and dealt with the horrors of war. The government trialled a program of moving them to a regional area that needed farm and factory workers. Taught them civics, taught them English. That community was outraged they had become a dumping ground but a year later were begging for more. African community centres sprung up there and locals were impressed with the work ethic( and all were being paid the same wages as anyone else).
You can do something like that or you chuck people in ghettos like France did and have a festering sore that spills over regularly to violence.
There are all kinds of push/pull factors with migration and certainly assisting poorer countries to develop will be cheaper than any alternative. Still, if you don't want people to come to your country don't have a whole media industry gloating about how wonderful it is there lol.