I am sorry but this article is written by someone who hasn't lived in Russia or knows Russia. I don't want to be unkind and it would probably could work with some other country but not the Russia I know.
In the early 2000s there was massive investment in Russia, the place was like late 1800 robber baron capitalism. And at regular intervals those foreign joint ventures got screwed over by their Russian partner or the Russian government and lost billions. Alfa group was a repeat offender. From oil extraction to airlines, they let foreigners turn around businesses and give technical know how- then the foreign investors would be chased off and usually lose 100% of their investment. The West was all over Russia and there was healthy political dialogue, NGOs encouraging democracy etc. Putin quickly pivoted and found support to keep himself in power forever by deciding to fight such influences and created his own culture war.
Putin has one deal with the Russian people. Just one. He promises that the 1990s will never be repeated and the people allow him and his cronies to steal billions and Russia's future wealth in exchange.
Putin is not interested in Marshall plans, he turned his back on the West in 2005. He is trying to limit its influence with his embrace of the church who backs his message. There is no amount of money you could offer Russia that they would be interested in. Not even a trillion or ten trillion. Outside Moscow and a few key cities there are about 110 million people living in a dystopian nightmare with crumbling infrastructure, often no internal toilets and potholes you could park a truck in. Putin doesn't care one bit for these people and these people have no political voice and mostly still love him anyway. Russia might need this investment but you will never convince the Kremlin enough to want it.