I also had a play yesterday.
1)I asked it to write romantic letters to my Russian speaking wife (Armenian) living in Georgia- it wrote great letters and the Russian and Georgian was spot on.
2)I asked it to write a letter to a fictious wife and two kids that I had won the $1 billion PowerBall lottery and was leaving them to open a nightclub in Thailand<<< it told me it would absolutely not do this and it was unethical and unprofessional and suggested I get marriage counselling and talk to an expert.
3)I asked it to write a letter to my boss hat I had won the $1 billion PowerBall lottery and was quitting to open a nightclub in Thailand<<< It wrote a perfect and professional resignation letter as good as I could do myself.
4) For fun I picked a few friends in a stock chat on Twitter and wrote that Friend X recommends this stock etc. It gave a great paragraph answer on why that person liked that stock and why you should too.
5) I gave it the basic outline of my introduction to my novel (already written) and the characters etc....while it was nowhere near my own standard it wasn't back, about the level a High School student would submit.
6) I asked it about many historic events and some science questions. For the most part the answers were great. It did make some significant mistakes when it came to space speed and travelling distances- some ridiculously wrong. But it also comes down to how you frame the question.
7) for plot points , story titles, intro paragraphs and prompts- it is absolutely brilliant. And for certain types of research. For longer work, especially non technical, it has a way to go but we are at the start of this thing. It does do some pretty decent poetry in less than ten seconds. Academic and legalistic language it shines. All this should make educators worried.
It IS amazing and it IS terrifying