Georgia has good relations with Armenia and cordial relations with Azerbajian. They depend on Azerbajian for gas but they have a border dispute with it which sometimes causes friction(but largely for show). Nothing too serious. Georgia is nervous about some Armenian politicians arguing that southern Georgia, where the population is mostly Armenian, should belong to them. Georgian people have a strange relationship with Armenians-and both argue over who invented what and whether some cultural icon was Armenian or Georgian. There is an unfortunate "Georgia for Georgians" movement here and an Armenian who has been in Georgia for generations can still be told "If you don't like it go back to Armenia." etc. Georgia could be the great mediator and arbitrator between Armenia and Azerbajian but the current government is..well.. I honestly can't understand it. I'm not Georgian myself, just a permanent resident, so it is not my business to try. I am an outsider and guest but I am an observer.