Elitism? I think it is far more prevalent in New York and Moscow than in the UK. British old money hides, it doesn't show off and it goes to schools one can't get into like Eton. It's discreet, unlike the Nouveau riche of elsewhere with splashy parties and fast cars. And there is even a back door entry to the elite circles, military service- officer rank and especially Navy( the "Senior service.") I should know, my father(Naval Officer) was Princess Margaret's escort for many functions, my parents went to the Royal garden party and my cousin dated a Royal for years and was the only Australian at that Royal's subsequent wedding. If a ex colonials can reach the top of the food chain, it doesn't seem so elitist. And there is nothing more marvelous than heading out into the countryside to some small village and meeting salt of the Earth Brits, old women tending their roses who see a stranger and invite in for a cup of tea.
As for Harry. I really don't know. I won't buy his book. But I was in a Russian gym when Will and Kate got married- everyone, man and woman, stopped training and just watched on at that spectacle. That was the best marketing of brand Britain you could have and cost nothing for an audience of probably 1 billion people.
Because of my background, and spending my formative years in the south of England(Hampshire) while my Dad was on exchange from Australia, I have always been a royalist( though being half scot I favor their independence...some serious cognitive dissonance going on lol).
But Charles becoming King at this juncture just seems wrong to me- esp with Camilia on his arm( Considering what other Royals had to give up for such unions). If it had gone to William, the monarchy would have been invigorated and you could have a monarch lasting another half century. So, now, even I have tired of them.
Harry might be telling the truth, half-truths or a pack of lies. If it is lies then clearly he has some trauma and potential mental health issues. For that we should pity him. If they are half truths then he gets credit for getting in front of things, striking first and marketing. And if he is telling the truth then he is also a sad being who had little agency and we should pity him for that.
As the OP said and a few others have commented- telling the truth, your truth, is a powerful toll and, frankly, screw this idea of not showing your dirty laundry. The entire world would be a better and healthier place if we shared those secrets more. Nothing good has ever come from keeping those tucked away. Unfortunately, I know about this too.