Cute fiction. As someone who has spent 14 years in the the former Soviet Union and 7 years in Russia- I remember a time when American companies were falling over themselves to invest there( they got screwed on almost every joint venture especially with Alfa bank) and US forces actually trained with the Russian army in Russia. Even did joint exercises. There was no animosity towards Russia, it was a developing country ripe for good ol capitalism. It was Putin who turned his back on all that, going down the nationalistic route and trying to push back against western values. Some of that is fair enough, but the nationalism led to adventures in Georgia, then Crimea, then Donbas. And now where we are today. America really didn’t care about Russia except as a market for goods, it’s attention was on the Middle East and China. So Russia basically chucked a tantrum to remind people of its relevance. As for NATO, the logic is simple. If you’re in NATO you don’t get attacked, if you’re not then you’re fair game.