Blood quantum at its finest.
There is nothing wrong with saying Kamala is not an advocate of reparations so don't vote for her, or that she locked up Blacks so don't vote for her. Mind you, Republicans can't decide if she was locking up Blacks or she was soft on crime.
There is a massive issue with deciding how Black she is. Some blood purity test. That is some serious fascist rubbish right there. So a Black person who had mixed ancestry and comes off lighter- whether because of one parent or grandparent or because they were a child of rape etc- disqualifies them as Black? Why not take it further and say if they don't follow an African religion or speak an African dialect then they aren't Black either? It's ridiculous.
Here in Australia, we have a variety of Aboriginals, many who were engineered to "half-caste" by either rape, or marriage and then raised in better institutions because they were "smarter" and "redeemable" as part of our shameful history.
I had girlfriend from South Africa, whose sister was taken back in the day in a dawn raid by the police, as her father was Black and her mother was "coloured" and it was forbidden for these two groups to marry and have children.
There are Metis in Canada, the children of French and Scottish settlers with the native population. They are still natives.
And by the way, we just had a vote on recognising Aboriginals in our constitution, with most Black Australians supportive of it, but some who are Black as any other, were opposed to anything from the government- including treaty and reparations- arguing they don't recognize the government. Heck a tiny amount even want to use force. The point is, such things are not universally desired by all Blacks, regardless of how "pure" their blood is.
If reparations is the hill you want to be on, fine. But whether about Blacks in America, Native Americans, Jews, Aboriginals or anyone else- blood quantum should never be used. It is a colonial, particularly white colonial methodology that is horribly racist, used to break up families and communities. A Black person using it is truly shocking. And I would wager your whole family tree all the way back to Africa is not 100% African descent.