After bashing Hindus, you now attack Judaism, well done! Your hatred knows no bounds.
There is no crime of lesbian sex in the Torah or Talmud. Jews do not restrict studying our scriptures at all.
In Judaism if one is to commit this act, much like many acts, it requires two witnesses who have to tell them to stop. If the person does not stop, they can be taken to the magistrate. If the person stops but does it again the next day, that is a separate occasion and has to be told to stop again.
In the Talmud, and the basis of Jewish law, if a magistrate sentences someone to death once in 7 years or 70 years, he is considered bloodthirsty. That is why there is no recorded account of a Jew being killed for homosexuality, adultery or anything else.
There are thousands upon thousands of people who have been killed accused of homosexuality or adultery in Islamic countries. Even in Palestine.
And that's the difference.